professional athletes, puberty, dental status, biochemical parameters, oral fluid.Abstract
Purpose of the work. Assessment of dental status and biochemical parameters of oral fluid in adolescent athletes in the process of complex dental treatment. Materials and methods. The study involved 59 children aged 12–14 who are professionally engaged in sports, with major dental diseases (the main group – 35 people, the comparison group – 24 people). Developed treatment and prevention complex, which included drugs "Albumin egg plus", "Chlorophyll spray", "Active sulfur", "Active fluoride" and toothpastes "Biodentis" and "Meridol", improved the dental status of athletes 12–14 years – for 2 years of observations the increase in dental caries in the main group was 1.65 times less than in the comparison group. The reduction of caries was 39.21%. After 2 years of follow-up, the Parma % index in the main group of patients decreased 1.98 times compared to initial state, the bleeding index – 3.05 times, the Silness-Loe index – 1.74 times, and the Stallard index – 1, 59 times. Six months after complex therapy in the main group of children, the activity of lysozyme in oral fluid increased almost 1.71 times, and after 1 year – 2.67 times, catalase activity after 2 years was 2.33 times higher than in the initial state and the corresponding level in the comparison group. Increased in the initial state in the oral fluid of patients the level of malonic dialdehyde, the activity of elastase and urease under the action of therapeutic and prophylactic therapy decreased in the main group for 2 years of observation, respectively, 5.71 times, 2.59 times and 2.53 times relative to baseline state, approaching the norm. The obtained data testify to rather high efficiency of the offered treatment-and-prophylactic therapy.
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