
  • V.V. Filonenko Bogomolets National Medical University




unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate, multidisciplinary approach, removable and fixed orthodontic constructions


The prevalence of dentognatic anomalies or deformations in children with congenital unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate reaches about 94%. Purpose of the study. To conduct an analysis of specialized scientific literature to summarize data on early orthodontic treatment of children with congenital unilateral cleft of the lip and palate. Research materials and methods. The article analyzes and studies modern scientific national and foreign literature of recent years (PubMed), which sheds light on the issue of orthodontic support for the specified category of children. Results and their discussion. Rehabilitation of children with cleft lip and palate at different stages of growth and development requires the participation of a multidisciplinary team of specialists of various profiles. Optimal treatment methods for children with unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate are extremely difficult to establish. If detected of non-unions, future parents need immediate consultation of specialists, including an orthodontist, regarding the possibility of rehabilitation of the child after birth and psychological support. For the growth and development of a child, an important aspect is solving the issue of effective feeding. Pre-surgical orthodontic training in the modern understanding of this concept dates back to the middle of the last century. Early orthodontic treatment of children with congenital unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate should prevent severe deformations of the dentognatic apparatus. The goal is to create prerequisites for proper growth and formation of the upper jaw. The most important task is the normalization of the disturbed functions. Despite the actions of the multidisciplinary team, in the majority of patients with non-unions, narrowing and shortening of the upper jaw is observe during the period of mixed occlusion. To eliminate occlusal deformations, obtain a satisfactory overjet (sagittal overlap), overbite (vertical overlap) and normalize the transversal dimensions of the upper dental and alveolar arches, in most cases, expansion of the upper jaw (dental arch) are performed. Conclusions. The high prevalence of dentognatic anomalies or deformations in children with congenital unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate, the simultaneous combination of many risk factors for dental and general diseases affecting orthodontic treatment necessitates the development and improvement of existing complexes of a multidisciplinary approach to medical and preventive care at all stages rehabilitation. In the absence of adequate orthodontic support, persistent forms of dentognatic deformations develop.


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How to Cite

Філоненко, В. (2023). EARLY ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT OF CHILDREN WITH CONGENITAL CLEFT LIP AND PALATE. Innovation in Stomatology, (3), 46–54. https://doi.org/10.35220/2523-420X/2023.3.7