fixed prosthetics, occlusiography, postural test, effectivenessAbstract
The aim of the present research has been to study the possibility of applying a postural test to determine the quality of occlusion restoration in the long term of fixed prosthetics in young people.
Materials and methods. It has been examined 270 patients, equally men and women, under 45 years of age, who had defects of teeth and dentitions, restored with fixed casted dentures, including combined ones. The studies were performed twice - before the prosthetic treatment and in 6-12 months after it. Examination included occlusiography, study of occlusal contacts on diagnostic models in the non-Arcon articulator, com-puter occlusion analysis using T-Scan III apparatus. Postural reflexes were learned using computer stabilo-metry.
Results. According to the results of clinical and laboratory study, supplemented with computer diagnos-tics, in 67.4 % of patients, the restoration of the occlusal balance was confirmed. The results of computer stabilometry revealed a statistically significant increase in the mean results of the deviation of the body from the center of its mass (р˂0.05). The sensitivity of the postural test was 64.3 ± 2.3 %. The specificity of this test for occlusal diagnostics was 83.0 ± 5.2 %. According to the calculations of the prognostic value of the test, the absence of its changes indicated that the occlusion imbalance was more likely than its dynamics as a proof of the occlusal balance. The accuracy of the postural test on the quality of the occlusal correction was 70.4 ± 2.8%. The relatively low values of the reproducibility index (59.4 ± 3.0%) indicated that, against the background of the high accuracy of the averaged result, the postural test data may vary significantly in dif-ferent clinical situations.
Conclusions. The obtained results allow recommending the postural test to determine the quality of oc-clusion restoration in young people for practical application.
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