children of preschool age, prevalence, structure, age-related signs, nosological forms of dentoalveolar anomaliesAbstract
The aim of the study. Study of the prevalence of dentoalveolar anomalies in children from birth to six years, taking into account morpho-functional changes in the development of the dento-alveolar system. Research methods. An examination of 126 preschool children in the city of Uzhhorod was carried out according to age, taking into account the functional and morphological features of the development of the maxillofacial system. When studying maxillofacial anomalies in preschool children, we took into account three periods of their development: formation of a temporary dentition (from eight months to three years) – 1 group; period of relative physiological stability (from three years and one month to four years and six months) – 2 group; the period preceding the change of teeth (from four years and seven months to six years) – 3 group. The examination of the maxillofacial area was carried out taking into account the position of the child's head, the state of the fontanel of the head and the bones of the skull. The correspondence of the number of teeth to the child's biological age, the sequence and parity of teeth eruption, the height of the bite and the ratio of the jaws, the anatomical shape of the teeth, the dentition, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the size and position of the tongue, the border of the oral cavity and the frenulum of the lips were determined. The results summarized in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet/ google spreadsheet were exported to licensed software for the Windows operating system and the standard Statsoft software package Inc STATISTICA 6.0 2300 East 14th Street Tulsa, OK 74104 USA and performed the statistical analysis. Scientific novelty. Studying the prevalence of maxillofacial anomalies in preschool children, taking into account age groups, is very important for planning preventive measures, providing medical and preventive, orthodontic care, conducting joint dispensary work with pediatricians, and implementing health measures. Conclusions. Thus, the obtained results showed that the prevalence of maxillofacial anomalies among preschool children is 77.7±1.8%, and the data, taking into account morpho-functional disorders of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd periods of child development, depending on sex and age can be used to monitor the prevalence of these abnormalities, development of health measure, dispensary and preventive measures, as well as planning treatment and preventive measures and their control.
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