features of adaptation, stages and conditions of adaptation, pedagogical support of adaptation of a foreign student, adaptive behavior.Abstract
New trends in education provide for the possibility of studying Ukrainian students in IHE of other countries, as well as foreign students have the opportunity to get higher education in Ukraine (for example, Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy has contracts for training with the countries of the Middle East: Iraq, Syria, Israel, Jordan; North Africa: Tunisia, Morocco; Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, as well as India, etc.). Taking this into account, the following question is actualized: how to integrate a foreign student into another socio-cultural space, how to help assimilate acceptable values, norms, rules, traditions; how to develop intercultural, communicative, creative competence and, as a result, to provide high-quality professional training for a foreign student. The problem of adaptation of foreign students to study at IHE Ukraine (other countries) is included in the circle of scientific interests of many researchers, both domestic and foreign. In particular, the features of sociocultural adaptation, its criteria, stages, factors contributing to its success, carefully studied by psychologists. The article is aimed at theoretical analysis of the peculiarities of adaptation of foreign students to study at IHE Ukraine (in particular in DSMA). These data indicate that DSMA is an educational institution where fundamental scientific knowledge is the basis of higher education. Consequently, the interest of foreign students in obtaining higher professional education directly in this IHE is significantly increased. A foreign student has to adapt in several areas at once: social, cultural, academic. Adaptation in the social sphere involves the establishment of informal social ties with representatives of their country, who also study at DSMA, representatives of Ukraine and other countries.
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Рейтинг університетів Scopus 2019. URL: http://ru.osvita.ua/vnz/rating/64398/
Рейтинг університетів «ТОП-200 Україна» 2019. URL: https://ru.osvita.ua/vnz/rating/64884/