
  • S.Ye. Leshchuk Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • N.L. Chukhray Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University



bronchial asthma, hard tissues, teeth, children, treatment


Аsthma is an inflammatory respiratory disease characterized by increased hyperresponsiveness of the tracheobronchial tree. The manifestations come as recurrent episodes of dyspnea, coughing, and heezing. According to the WHO prescribing indicators, asthma is among the top conditions that necessitate antibiotic prescription. The aim of asthma therapy is to provide normal activities, restore and maintain normal pulmonary function, and avoid adverse effects from medications. It was suggested that asthma and its medication may be responsible for the higher prevalence of caries in children suffering from asthma. Purporse of the research. To study the relationship between caries and the course (severity and duration) of asthma in children. Materials and methods. The dental examination of 75 children with suffering from asthma, aged 7, 12 and 15 years was carried out. In the examined children, the intensity of caries of permanent teeth was determined according to the DMF index. The degree of severity of asthma in children was determined according classification: I degree – mild intermittent asthma, II degree – mild persistent asthma, III degree – moderate persistent asthma, IV degree – severe persistent asthma. Results. It was established that in 12-year-old children with I–II degrees of severity of asthma, DMF, on average, is lower (2.71±0.31 teeth) compared to children with III (4.19±0.33 teeth, p<0.01) and with IV degree of severity (5.68±0.38 teeth, p<0.001). It was established that in 12-year-old children with the I–II degree of severity of bronchial asthma in persons with the III degree of caries activity, DMF value is 3.94 times higher compared to children with the I degree of caries, in children with the III degree of severity of asthma, this difference is 2.99 times (p<0.001). Thus, it was established that the DMF index in children with asthma when treated with beta-2-agonists of short and long action and inhaled corticosteroids, on average, is: up to 5 years – 4.01±0.31 teeth and over 5 years – 6.07±0.34 teeth (p<0.001). When studying the relationship between the duration of asthma and DMFs, a reliable direct correlation of medium strength was established (r=0.42, p<0.05). This indicates that DMF increases with the duration of asthma in the examined children. Conclusion. It was established that there is correlation between course of asthma (severity and duration) and caries in children.


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How to Cite

Лещук, С., & Чухрай, Н. (2023). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COURSE OF ASTHMA AND CARIES IN CHILDREN. Innovation in Stomatology, (4), 64–69.

