
  • D.S. Avetikov Poltava State Medical University
  • I.L. Chekhova Bogomolets National Medical University
  • K.P. Lokes Poltava State Medical University



dental trauma, children, dislocation of teeth, fracture, treatment, immobilization, splint


The purpose of the work: conducting a review of modern methods of treatment of dental injuries in children in Ukraine in today’s difficult conditions. Materials and methods. Analysis of prevalence, structural characteristics, diagnosis and modern methods of treatment of traumatic dental injuries in children based on data from scientific literature sources. Scientific novelty. The World Health Organization estimates that 17–50% of adolescents and adults experience trauma to one or more permanent teeth. In Ukraine, trauma to both temporary and permanent teeth is observed in 25% of all schoolchildren, and in 33% of adults – trauma in a permanent bite, and most of them occur before the age of 19. Injured teeth can cause not only aesthetic, but also physical and functional damage with numerous consequences for children’s health. The article provides a classification of dental injuries: injuries to the hard tissues of the tooth ‒ dislocations (cracks, incomplete and complete) and fractures (cracks of enamel, dentin ‒ with or without pulp involvement, crown and root fractures). The most common injuries in the temporary bite are dislocations of the teeth, while fractures of the crown part of the tooth are more common in the permanent bite. Emergency care in cases of acute dental trauma can provide the best outcome for tooth preservation and restoration. The authors analysed modern recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic dental injuries, which are based on the guidelines of the International Association of Dental Trauma (IADT). Conclusions. Treatment of tooth damage should begin at the site of injury. In permanent teeth with unformed roots, treatment should be aimed at preserving pulp viability and ensuring further root development and apexogenesis. In formed teeth with a closed apex, endodontic treatment of root canals should be started within 2 weeks after the injury by a dental therapist. Treatment of traumatic dental injuries requires a comprehensive approach with the participation of specialized industry specialists.


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How to Cite

Аветіков, Д., Чехова, І., & Локес, К. (2023). METHODS OF TREATMENT OF DENTAL INJURIES IN CHILDREN – A MODERN VIEW. Innovation in Stomatology, (4), 70–75.