
  • M.Yu. Lesytskiy Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • A.R. Kysil Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University



children, dental caries, permanent teeth, malocclusion


At present, there is a significant prevalence of dental caries among children in Ukraine, which remains a pressing issue for both practicing dentists and researchers. Additionally, the high incidence of malocclusion among the pediatric population is also notable. While many studies support the association between malocclusion and dental caries, there are also conflicting studies that do not confirm this link. These controversial findings underscore the need for further research in this area. The purpose of the research is to investigate the prevalence and intensity of dental caries of the permanent teeth among children with malocclusion. Research methods. There were examined 1167 children aged 6-16 years from Lviv with the aim to assess the condition of the dental hard tissues. Among them, 743 children had malocclusion (63.67 %) and 424 children hadn’t (36.33 %). The assessment of dental caries prevalence and intensity was conducted based on the following indicators: prevalence (in %) and caries intensity (using the DMFT index). The occlusion pattern (anomalies of the position of individual teeth, dental arch anomalies, malocclusion) was evaluated according to the classifications of E. Angle (1889) and Calvelis D.A. (1957). Scientific novelty. The research findings revealed that among children with orthodontic pathology, the prevalence of dental caries in the permanent teeth averaged 79.27±1.49 %, with an intensity of 3.78±0.23 teeth, while in children with orthognathic occlusion, it was 58.02±2.40 % and 2.90±0.25 teeth, respectively. The highest increase in caries intensity was observed in children with malocclusion between the ages of 6 to 7 years (2.3 times) and between 11 to 12 years (57.40 %). It was found that the number of filled teeth exceeded the number of carious teeth by 63.83 % in children with malooclusion, and by 90.91 % in children without them. A high level of caries intensity in permanent teeth was correlated with an open bite, crossbite and distal bite. In all specified cases, a direct strong significant correlation was identified. Conclusions. The obtained data indicate on the relationship between the presence of malocclusion and dental caries in the permanent teeth in children, as well as the need to motivate parents to maintain their children’s dental health. A high level of dental caries in the permanent teeth was found to be associated with an open bite, crossbite, and distal bite, which is supported by a direct strong significant correlation. This may suggest a greater predisposition to dental caries in children with these malooclusion and serve as a basis for further research.


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How to Cite

Лесіцький, М., & Кисіль, А. (2024). PREVALENCE OF DENTAL CARIES OF THE PERMANENT TEETH IN CHILDREN WITH MALOCCLUSION. Innovation in Stomatology, (1), 78–84.