
  • A.V. Pachevska National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
  • O.I. Popova National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
  • D.M. Kasianenko National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
  • I.Y. Drachevska National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
  • M.V. Popov National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
  • I.V. Simonova National Pirogov Memorial Medical University



vitamin D deficiency, dental caries, children


The aim of this study is to provide a narrative review of proposed etiopathogenetic mechanisms by which vitamin D deficiency causes dental caries in children. Materials and methods. Over the past decade Polishand English-language publications addressing the issue of vitamin D deficiency and caries development in children have been analyzed. Scientific novelty. While dental caries has long been known that is a multifactorial disease and one of the most common health issues in childhood, a recent meta-analysis involving children from five continents revealed a global prevalence of 46.2% for deciduous teeth caries and 53.8% for permanent teeth. Traditionally, tooth decay has been considered as an infectious disease caused by poor oral hygiene and the aggressive action of the microbial biofilm of the oral cavity. Dentists of many countries are trying to answer the question of what causes caries in a child. Whereas biological effects of vitamin D were previously almost exclusively associated with bone metabolism (calcium deficiency causing rickets in infants and osteomalacia in adults), today most researchers consider vitamin D deficiency as a triggering factor in the etiopathogenesis of dental caries in children. Current research has established that impaired mineralisation of teeth during development, deterioration of enamel quality, and increased susceptibility to caries development may be entailed by vitamin D deficiency. Researchers determine that vitamin D deficiency in children in future leads not only to the progression of dental caries, but also to jaw structure disorders, malocclusion, teeth defects and early tooth loss. Conclusions. Dental caries is one of the most common health problems in childhood. Numerous studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is associated with caries of deciduous and permanent teeth in children. The association between vitamin D deficiency and dental caries is clear enough to consider vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for dental caries in children, and dental caries itself as a symptom of vitamin D deficiency.


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How to Cite

Пачевська, А., Попова, О., Касьяненко, Д., Драчевська, І., Попов, М., & Сімонова, І. (2024). THE ROLE OF VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DENTAL CARIES IN CHILDREN. Innovation in Stomatology, (1), 116–124.