
  • I.V. Yanishen Kharkiv National Medical University
  • K.Y. Andrienko Kharkiv National Medical University
  • O.L. Fedotova Kharkiv National Medical University
  • G.V. Petrochenko Kharkiv National Medical University
  • S.A. Kulish Kharkiv National Medical University



removable prosthetics, acrylic base, prosthetic bed tissues


Prosthetics of patients with complete and partial absence of teeth still remains an unsolved problem. In the process of planning the design of dentures, as well as at the manufacturing stages, a number of medical and technological problems arise, related to the need for optimal unloading of the tissues of the alveolar process and the alveolar part of the jaws from chewing pressure. At the same time, researches of recent years show that certain problems of improving clinical and technological methods of manufacturing removable dentures have not yet been properly resolved, which became the basis of our review of literary sources. The aim of our research was to analyze the scientific literature to develop a theoretical basis for creating functionally effective removable orthopedic dental prostheses using modified dental materials. Materials and Methods. According to various authors, up to 29±0.9% of patients do not use removable orthopedic dental prostheses due to inflammatory processes in the mucosa under the base of the prosthesis, discomfort, or pain caused by the mismatch between the prosthesis base and the prosthetic area. Various factors, such as porosity, internal stresses, deformations, and increased monomer content in base materials, have been studied by many researchers. It has been established that the use of forming materials with increased strength and dispersion, application of silicone separating layers, casting methods, polymerization under air pressure with slow cooling of the mold and subsequent water immersion significantly improves the physicochemical properties of plastics. It can be concluded that despite current methods and options for fabricating plate prostheses and attempts to improve their physicomechanical properties, further research is needed to enhance the quality of orthopedic treatment with removable dental prostheses.


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How to Cite

Янішен, І., Андрієнко, К., Федотова, О., Петроченко, Г., & Куліш, С. (2024). DATA ANALYSIS OF INTERCONNECTION OF REMOVABLE PROSTHESIS BASE WITH TISSUES OF PROSTHETIC AREA (LITERATURE REVIEW). Innovation in Stomatology, (2), 140–145.