
  • А. I. Shvеtс


osseoplastic correction, jaw, orthopedic bed, KERGAP


The clinical research, the surgical and orthopeadic threatment of 58 patients aged 42 to 70 (of which 30 were males and 28 females) have been conducted. Traditional radiological and electromyographic research was used to establish a diagnosis. Types of conducted osteoplastic surgery (with patients break-down) as follows: 1. Immediate anaplasty of alveola after removal of individual teeth – 6 patients. 2. Direct innerseptum alveolaplasty – 7patients. 3. Correction of irregular surface of the bone of the alveolar ridge – 14 patients. 4. Removal of exostosis of maxillae – 11 patients. 5. Removal of hypertrophic palantine torus – 6 patients. 6. Decrease of palatine protrusion – 5 patients. 7. Mandible grafting - 4 patients. 8. Anaplasty of the maxillary bone defects – 5 patients. Clinical and lab technologies of manufacturing removable laminar dental prosthesis were developed with due consideration of the recommended guidelines of prosthodontists (3). Statistical analysis was conducted using the Student criteria. Statistical differences were considered significant for р<0,05. The research of 58 subjects (patients) with partial or complete secondary adentia (edentulism) and unfavourable clinical conditions for prostetics due to defects and deformations of the bone area of the basal seat was carried out. Plastic reconstruction surgery was conducted on the supermaxilla and mandibula using bioceramics KERGAP in conjunction with MAGNICOLIN. Immediate anaplasty of alveola after removal of individual teeth – bioceramics composite was used to fill in the alveolar socket, while Magnicolin was used to treat the sutures on the socket. Direct innerseptum alveolaplasty –KERGAP was used to fill in the alveolar socket, Magnicolin applied as above. Correction of irregular surface of the bone of the alveolar ridge – after hemostasis the composite of KERGAP and Magnicolin was applied to the whole surgery area and smoothed with a spatula, after which the composite was treated with the helium-neon laser. Removal of exostosis of maxillae - after the hemostasis a thin layer of KERGAP and Magnicolin composite was applied to the bone area of the wound. Ostheoplastics correction of hypertrophic palantine torus - after the torus removal the bone area was treated with the KERGAP layer, subjected to helium-neon laser, following which a Magnicolin – saturated bandage was applied to the part of the palate. Decrease of palatine protrusion – after the bone protrusion was chiseled /corrected to the satisfactory shape, the bone area of the wound was filled with KERGAP and treated with laser according to the standard methods. Mandible grafting - KERGAP and MAgnicolin were used to perform contour anaplasty and achieve a desired shape; the wound was treated with Magnicolin and laser therapy. Anaplasty of the maxillary bone defects – wax-modelled bone base was used to create a porous bioceramics block in the KERGAP laboratory. In all types of the described above surgery KERGAP and Magnicolin were successfully used for surgery and post-surgical recovery. No complications or unwanted effects of using KERGAP and Magnicolin were observed. The success of the surgery was identified to be also determined by the following factors: specialized equipment; suture material; surgeon’s macroscopic control over his/her own manipulations. Osteoplastic surgical interventions allow to considerably increase the prostetics effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Швець, А. І. (2021). АNTЕРRОSТНЕТIС ОSТЕОРLАSТIС СОRRЕСТION ОF ОRТНОРЕDIС ВЕD ОF JAWS WITH АРРLIСАТION ОF ВIOСЕRАМIСS &quot;КЕRGАР&quot; AND &quot;MAGNICOLIN&quot;. Innovation in Stomatology, (3), 56–59. Retrieved from http://innovacii.od.ua/index.php/mainjournal/article/view/79

