dentition, antibiotics, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, blood serum, lysozyme.Abstract
The aim of the study. Study of the effect of the dentition timing simulation on the body weight and state of lysozyme activity in the blood serum of rats. Research materials and methods. The experiment was performed on 20 white female laboratory rats and 37 male rats. Starting from the first day of drug administration, the males were put together with females. Depending on the drugs used, the animals were divided into 4 groups: 1) intact (vivarium diet); 2) L‑thyroxine in a dose of 10 mg/kg + vivarium diet; 3) antibiotics (cefoperazone 180 mg/kg – pregnancy, amoxiclav 135 mg/kg – lactation) + vivarium diet; 4) Mercazolil – (20 mg/kg – pregnancy), (50 mg/kg – lactation) + vivarium diet. Further studies were conducted on little rat that were born from the females receiving these drugs. Rats were removed from the experiment under thiopental anesthesia (20 mg/kg) after the lactation period at approximately 35 days of age. The total duration of the experiment was 56 days. The body weight of rats of all groups was determined at the age of 30 days. A biochemical analysis of the blood serum was performed in rats of all groups. Results of the study. The body weight of rats obtained from the females that were simulated experimental hypothyroidism was 31.3 % lower than the corresponding index of the intact group. The use of L‑thyroxine in the 2nd group led to a significant decrease in lysozyme activity by 40 % compared to the intact group (P < 0.001). Indices of lysozyme activity in the 3rd (Antibiotics) and 4th (Mercazolil) groups also significantly decreased by 68.5 % (P < 0.001) and 65.7 % (P < 0.001), respectively. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted studies, inhibition of the lysozyme-synthesizing function was established in the body of animals that received antibiotics antenatally, as well as an excess or deficiency of thyroid hormones.
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