
  • V.B. Pyndus PHEL “Lviv Medical University”
  • O.A. Makarenko State Establishment “The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
  • Т.О. Pyndus PHEL «Lviv Medical University»
  • S.A. Shnaider State Establishment “The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-facial Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
  • M.V. Anisimov State Establishment “The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-facial Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”




peroxidized periodontitis, bone tissue, rats, experiment, biochemical markers


The purpose of this study. Experimental substantiation of prevention of periodontal tissue diseases using a sorbent and a complex of drugs. Material and research methods. Experimental studies were conducted, during which changes in the biochemical parameters of the jaws of rats under the influence of therapeutic and preventive measures developed for patients with various degrees of periodontal tissue damage were evaluated on rats using a model of peroxide periodontitis. 32 two-month-old rats of the Wistar herd breeding line were used in the experiment. The rats were divided into groups of 8 rats each. A statistically significant difference between alternative quantitative features with a distribution corresponding to the normal law was evaluated using Student’s t-test. The results indicate that modeling of peroxide periodontitis in rats by adding peroxidized oil to the diet contributed to an increase in the degree of atrophy of the alveolar process of the lower jaw, a decrease in the intensity of bone formation and intensification of resorption processes, an increase in the activity of a marker of destruction of the organic part of bone tissue in the alveolar bone, and induced the development of systemic inflammation. Prophylactic use of the treatment and prophylactic complex prevented disorders in the bone tissue of the alveolar process. Conclusions. Modeling of peroxide periodontitis in rats by adding overoxidized oil to the feed helped to increase the degree of atrophy of the alveolar process of the lower jaw of animals, reduce the intensity of bone formation processes and intensify resorption processes, increase the activity of the marker of destruction of the organic part of bone tissue in the alveolar bone, and induced the development of systemic inflammation. The additional administration of the treatment and prophylactic complex to rats with periodontitis contributed to a more pronounced periodontal protective effect: the degree of atrophy of the alveolar process was lower than in intact animals, the indicators of bone remodeling of the jaws corresponded to normal values.


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How to Cite

Пиндус, В., Макаренко, О., Пиндус, Т., Шнайдер, С., & Анісімов, М. (2024). EXPERIMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF BIOCHEMICAL MARKERS OF BONE TISSUE IN RATS ON THE BACKGROUND OF PEROXIDATIVE PERIODONTITIS MODELING AND TREATMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES. Innovation in Stomatology, (1), 125–129. https://doi.org/10.35220/2523-420X/2024.1.18




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