jaw bones, cystotomy, cystectomy, terminal neoplasms, children, treatmentAbstract
Purpose of the work. Conducting a review of studies on surgical methods of treating jaw cysts in children. Materials and methods of research. The study used a bibliosemantic method of reviewing and analyzing scientific sources. Literary search of relevant topics was carried out using the following search engines : PubMed, Free Medical Journals, Medline, MedNet, V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. Results and their discussion. The article provides a brief description of the analyzed studies. As a result of the information search and selection of publications that met the set criteria, 24 foreign publications and 6 domestic ones were formed. Surgical treatment today is one of the main methods of treating jaw cysts, the task of which is to eliminate the cyst shell and induce the process of bone regeneration in the affected area. Considering the historical aspect, the first methods of treating cysts were decapitalization of the epithelium by treating the cyst cavity with 10% iodine, carbolic acid, and silver nitric acid. The technique involved partial removal of the cyst and treatment of the cavity with a solution. This technique is still used in certain countries. Currently, there are many ways to treat jaw cysts. The article describes the methods that were proposed by our and foreign authors. Conclusions. The choice of treatment method for jaw cysts depends on the age of the child, the period of bite, the etiology and location of the cyst. Patch 1 and Parch 2 remain the main treatments for jaw cysts today. The proposed modifications of cytotomy and cystectomy techniques are not widely used in practice.In children during the period of variable bite, the main method of treatment is cystotomy.
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