gunshot wounds, combat injury, mineexplosive injury, explosives, phosphorus burns, wartime, maxillofacial region, surgical dentistryAbstract
Despite the technological progress of our time, armed conflicts, unfortunately, occur in more than 80 countries of the world. Over the past century, military means of warfare have undergone significant changes, and its impressive effect has become incomparably higher. A special feature of the Russian-Ukrainian war is that the aggressor country deals massive strikes on urban and rural infrastructure. At the same time, evacuation occurs with a delay or is generally prohibited by the enemy. As a result of these actions, not only the military, but also the civilian population suffers numerous injuries. It is estimated that about 90 % of the victims of military operations and terrorist bombings are civilians, most of whom are women and children. Also, the high prevalence of combat injuries among the military contingent and the civilian population living in the frontline zone remains a painful and urgent problem. The mechanism of Maxillofacial tissue damage depends on the type of weapon and explosive (ES), which are divided by the amount of energy released and the rate of reaction to high-and low-order ES. Currently, the issue of providing proper care for burns caused by the damaging effect of incendiary ammunition containing phosphorus, and, unfortunately, used by the Russian Federation in the war with Ukraine, is also relevant. Combined burns during combat operations are a harbinger of a burdened course of burn disease with unpredictable general and local consequences. One of the aggravating factors of Flame action is chemical damage by phosphorus, which increases the local thermal effect on tissues and complicates the general manifestations of burn disease. The article, based on the analysis of literature data, presents the features of combat trauma at the present time. The types of weapons from which injuries occur most often are described. A detailed analysis of data from the literature and electronic resources on mine-explosive and gunshot damage during wartime was carried out. The etiology and pathogenesis of wartime injuries are presented in detail. Much attention is also paid to the factors that influence the character and specificity of the injury to the maxillofacial area.
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