
  • V.I. Fesenko Dnipro State Medical University
  • S.V. Stepanova Dnipro State Medical University




recurrent candidal stomatitis, chronic viral hepatitis B, treatment, CANDIVAC


Purpose of the study. To study the effectiveness of the treatment complex, which includes CANDIVAC in patients with manifestations of candidal lesions of the oral mucosa with a recurrent course on the back of chronic viral hepatitis B in the replication phase. Research methods. Patients with chronic viral hepatitis B (CHBV) in the replication phase, who were diagnosed microscopically and through laboratory tests with 4 cases of candidal stomatitis over the past 12 months, were subject to observation. The diagnosis of recurrent candidal stomatitis was substantiated on the basis of clinical manifestations and microscopic and bacteriological examination of pathological material from the lesion. The effectiveness of therapy was monitored immediately before the appointment of CANDIVAC and 21 days after the start of treatment, and was also repeated in 9 and 12 months. Scientific novelty. The dynamics of subjective complaints and microbiological studies showed positive changes during treatment, namely: already after 21 days of treatment, 64 % of the examined patients noted the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, and there was also no pathogen in smears from the oral cavity and in the intestine. It is worth noting that in persons with CVHB, in whom the replication phase lasted no more than 2 years, a more pronounced effect of the treatment complex was recorded. Analysis of the effectiveness of medical examinations 9 and 12 months after the introduction of CANDIVAC showed a significant improvement in the assessment of subjective complaints and microbiological parameters. At the same time, in patients with CVHB who had a replication phase of more than 5 years, the reduction of contamination of the oral and intestinal mucosa was less effective. Conclusions. The data obtained indicate a favorable effect of CANDIVAC in the complex treatment of the recurrent course of candidal stomatitis, which led to a statistically significant decrease in the frequency of relapses and the intensity of patients' subjective complaints.


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How to Cite

Фесенко, В., & Степанова, С. (2023). DISTINCTIVE ASPECTS OF CANDIDAL STOMATITIS TREATMENT IN THE PRESENCE OF CONCURRENT MEDICAL CONDITIONS. Innovation in Stomatology, (1), 30–33. https://doi.org/10.35220/2523-420X/2023.1.6

