maxillofacial anomalies, complications of children and adults caries, periodontal diseases complications, digital protocol, scanning, timingAbstract
Relevance. Over the past decades, the level of spread of orthodontic pathologies has reached critical levels. It is well known that orthodontic care is not urgent and is provided mainly on a paid basis. Recently, digital technologies and protocols for providing medical care in the form of taking digital impressions of the jaws with scanners and computer programs for modeling indirect installation of braces, manufacturing orthodontic mouthguards, navigation templates, models, etc. have been widely introduced into the daily practice of Orthodontists. The purpose of this study. Improving the effectiveness of providing dental care to the population of Ukraine by determining the duration of intraoral jaw scanning and determining Central occlusion by orthodontists in a clinical appointment. Materials and methods of research. The first object of the study was dentists providing medical care in the specialty “orthodontics” of various qualifications, working in medical institutions of various forms of ownership in different regions of the country. The subject of the study was the nomenclature of modern types of orthodontic care in Ukraine. The second object of the study was the duration of dental orthodontic care in Ukraine. Timebased observations of the work of 12 orthodontists (of various qualifications and work experience) on scanning dentition rows in 12 patients with orthodontic pathologies in a clinical reception setting were carried out. The results of the timekeeping were entered in the “orthodontist’s Working Time Chronocart”. Research results and their discussion. Analysis of the results of timekeeping observations on these processes showed that the duration of providing these types of care directly depends on the relevant factors, namely: psychological preparation of the patient before the procedure, his behavior during its implementation, technical parameters of the intraoral scanner, professional experience and qualification of a specialist working with this particular scanner, technical characteristics of a computer program, the ability to process and interpret the results of scanning, a fairly long time is necessary to work in electronic patient accounting databases. Conclusion. The analysis of observations of the work of 12 orthodontists using an intraoral scanner in their clinical practice proved that the duration of providing the corresponding types of orthodontic care varies between 30.06-39.4 minutes (on average) and directly depends on a number of objective and subjective factors. Conventional units of labor intensity, respectively, are in the range of 0.5-0.66 CULI.
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