children of the Danube region, prevention of dental diseases, biochemical parameters of oral liquidAbstract
Purpose of the study To assess the impact of complex dental treatment on the biochemical parameters of oral fluid in children from the Danube Region. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 97 children from the Danube region aged 6 years (28 people in the main group and 22 people in the comparison group) and 12 years (26 people in the main group and 21 people in the comparison group). Children from the comparison group received oral sanitation and occupational hygiene, while children from the main group received an additional complex of adaptogens, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, membrane-stabilizing and remineralizing drugs. The results obtained indicate that the developed therapeutic and preventive complex, which included anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, membrane-stabilizing, remineralizing drugs and adaptogens, had a fairly positive effect on the state of oral health in children of the Danube Region during complex dental treatment. In particular, an increase in the content of mineral components, such as calcium and phosphorus, in the oral fluid of children after performing activities in the main group compared to the comparison group was found. Positive changes in the biochemical parameters of oral fluid were also found, in particular, an increase in lysozyme and catalase activity, and a decrease in urease activity and Malone dialaldehyde content. These changes indicate an improvement in nonspecific antimicrobial, antioxidant protection, the degree of contamination and the level of lipid peroxidation in the oral cavity of children. Conclusion. So, we can conclude that the developed therapeutic and preventive complex is effective and can be recommended for use in the prevention and treatment of oral diseases in children of the Danube Region.
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